Purpose and New year Resolutions

I recently read of a gym that on the Jan 1st every year they bring in extra equipment to cope with the new year rush.  By Jan 7th they move out all the extra equipment because most people have given up their New Year Resolutions.  This New Year is an opportunity for a fresh start, and I use the opportunity to check on my goals, adjust the compass and plan the next year.  This becomes even more important in retirement.   I think a useful place to start is to think about our WHY our PURPOSE and what GOALS will move us on in that in the coming months. 

I recently listened to a Video that summarized 25 books written about purpose.  It was by Nathan Lozeron of the Productivity Game.  Every week or so he sends out a video summary and PDF of a book he has read.  In this one he summarizes 25 books.  The link to the video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoJi4LIdq4I and there is a PDF summary

It is always good to include some health goals in your list but make them specific.  An actual specific weight goal and a three-month period in the year when not a lot else is going on when you can really focus on it and achieve it.  Not some New Year Resolution like lose weight.

I always do my goal setting for the year at the end of January not the beginning.  Then I have time to get over Christmas and New Year and have time focus upon my goals for the year.  I break them up into the four quarters of the year and only set 2 – 3 per quarter.  I reflect upon covering a wide range of areas of life including relationships, financial, health and inner well-being.  Purpose is very important in setting meaningful goals that will move your life forward in a healthy direction. 

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